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As A New Chapter

Enrichment Lesson Plans:

Use our cross curriculum to make your students or children more engaged, global thinks.  Through education, immersion, and empowerment you can help shape the minds of global change makers.

Science Lessons

Ugandan Animals: A Zoology Lesson

For your 1st through 5th graders

Materials Included:

Power Point Presentation
•Answer Key

Uganda is a beautiful country with diverse species.  The presentation opens by illustrating that one of the greatest ways to protect endangered species and a country's natural resources is to protect the people of the country.  Then is shows a  picture and gives fun facts about many animals that call Uganda home.  Contained within the presentation is a video that shows more animal species.  Finally, students can complete a worksheet which can be checked using the given answer key.




Writing Lessons


Ugandan Fables: A Writing Lesson

For your 2nd through 8th graders

Materials included:

•Power point
•List of Ugandan Proverbs to Choose From
•Links to Ugandan Names

To help students think creatively, improve writing skills, and learn more about Ugandan culture, NETwork Against Malaria suggests students write their own Ugandan Fables. Students can be assigned or may choose from a list a Ugandan proverb about which to write a story. The format can be similar to the folktales from The King of Snakes by Rosetta Baskerville. If students did not read these stories in their reading/literature class, it may be helpful for them to read one. The book may be available at your local library, but may also be viewed online for free.

Literature Lessons

Ugandan Folktales: A Reading Lesson

For your 3rd through 8th graders

Materials included:

•Link to online book
To delve deeper into the Ugandan culture and incorporate NETwork into Literature and Reading Classes, we suggest teachers and students read Ugandan folk tales from the book The King of the Snakes by Rosetta Baskerville.  This text may be available at local libraries but may be viewed online for free with the attached link.

Language Arts Lessons

Malaria Words: A Vocabulary and Spelling Lesson

For your 1st through 2nd Graders

For your 3rd through 4th Graders

For your 5th through 6th Graders


Materials Included:

•Word List

•Crossword Puzzle

•Answer Key

Teach your students about Uganda and malaria, by sharing with them this Vocabulary and Spelling Lesson.   Weather you choose to test your students on the spelling of the word list, or have them complete the puzzle, you will be educating them about a global issue and the people it affects.

Art Lessons


Ugandan Baskets: A Lesson in Culture, Coloring, and Creative Design

For your kindergarten through 8th graders

Materials included

•Coloring Sheet

Uganda’s people match the beauty of their art with the beauty of their culture and their land.  For art classes, NETwork has created a slide show that shows traditional Ugandan baskets.  There is an explanation of the craft as well as sample baskets.  Students can then create a basket on the coloring page download.



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